Palestine lies on the south west of Asia on the southern part of the Mediterranean Sea Eastern Coast. Thus, it lies in the heart of the ancient world, namely, Asia, Africa and Europe, which makes it a land bridge linking Asia with Africa and the Mediterranean Sea with the Red Sea and the Atlantic Ocean with the Indian Ocean.
The area of Mandate Palestine is 27000-sq. Km. The area of the West Bank is 5900 sq. Km, while the area of Gaza Strip is about 365 sq. Km

Born in Cairo on 24 Aug. 1929; full name is Mohamad Abdul Rahman Abdul Ra’uf Arafat Al-Qudwa Al-Husseini; grew up mainly in Cairo and, for a brief period, in Jerusalem; fought in 1948 alongside the Mufti's defense forces of Palestine; graduated from Cairo University, Faculty of Engineering, in 1956;
* founder and president (1952-57) of the General Union of Palestinian Students (GUPS) in Cairo/Egypt;
* Born Mahmoud Reda Abbas "Abu Mazen" in Safad in 1935.
* Forced to resort with his family to Syria after the attack on the city of Safad and its occupation by the Jewish organizations in April 1948.
* At the age of thirteen he had to work to help his family for two years, later joined the school and completed the secondary stage and worked as a teacher, continued his study at home and obtained a high school, then attended the University of Damascus, affiliation with a Bachelor in Law in 1958.
The PLO has accepted that Israel’s 1967 Pre-Occupation borders (the “Green Line”) shall serve as the international border between the states of Palestine and Israel. In other words, Palestinians have recognized Israel on 78% of historic Palestine while accepting to create a state on the remaining 22%.
The PLO’s position is consistent with international law which forbids Israel from acquiring territory by force.